How To Avoid Thai Girlfriend Scams – Red Flags You Need To Know

posted in: Asian Women | 0

Thai Scam AlertThailand is a Mecca of sorts for those who are looking for love—or just for some steamy encounters with some of the world’s sexiest women—and for thousands of foreigners every year (called “farang” by the locals), it does not disappoint.

Most of the men who search through the throngs of petite, smiling Thai women for a wife or a girlfriend find what they’re looking for, though there is always a percentage that will find exactly what they’re not looking for without realizing it at first.

No, we’re not talking about surprise encounters with ladyboys here; many Western men who dive into the world of dating foreign women, especially Thai women, allow their idealism to blind them to the point where they fall for the most transparent Thai girlfriend scams.

The fact of the matter is, just like any other part of the world, especially parts of the world that are still in the process of industrializing, some of these potential “girlfriends” are looking to take you for all you’ve got.

Some of them are scamming several men at the same time, receiving funds every month from their various “boyfriends” under the pretense that this money will keep them from having to work in a brothel or bar where they would be compelled to have encounters with strangers.

Honestly, does it sound like she’s your girlfriend if you have to pay for her to stay true to you? Sure, some men do end up marrying bar girls, but do you really think that a girl who has been working as a prostitute for half her life is your best bet for a healthy relationship, especially if you have to pay her not to have sex with other men? Especially when you consider the fact that many of these women will secretly continue to work in bars anyway?

So how do you go about avoiding Thai women scams that will take advantage of your foreign money so that you can put your energy instead into one of the multitude of perfectly honest, high-quality Thai women? Take a look at these tips and stay ahead of the game:

1) Don’t be desperate

Sometimes perfectly reasonable men will do some stupid things when it comes to love. You may have even witnessed this yourself: Some guys torture themselves by chasing around women who aren’t interested, or by staying with abusive girlfriends, only because their minds are clouded by their attachments.

Well, this isn’t really love—this is desperation. It is this desperation that is the root of why these sorts of scams perpetrated by Thai girls work in the first place. Desperation makes idiots out of us all; it makes us misjudge our true worth and causes us to make stupid decisions based on our feelings of loss in the moment.

Remember that there are many women out there in the world, and that no one single person is the end-all, be-all. There is no reason to feel desperate because in fact, chances are, you have a multitude of options, especially if you’re a foreign man looking for a wife or girlfriend in Thailand. Do not settle for less than what you’re worth!

2) If you have to pay her, she’s not your girlfriendThai Bar Girl Scam

This might seem like second nature, but you’d be surprised the kind of subtle manipulations and creative excuses these girls can come up with to get their money.

You’re on a date and suddenly she mentions that her little brother needs some medicine but that her family doesn’t have enough money for it. Would you mind spotting her some? It really isn’t much. Maybe she’ll email you about how she’s about to start school, but she doesn’t have the money to buy a motorbike to get there every day.

All of these appear to be reasonable requests on the surface, but as they grow more elaborate and more expensive, you may not even notice what’s happening, especially if you have money to burn.

There’s also those common Thai bar girls who like to collect men to maintain them. Basically, you would be paying her not to work (and thus prostitute herself to other men). As an outsider to this situation, does this sound reasonable to you? There is no reason you should have to pay a maintenance fee to keep a girlfriend. That’s basically prostitution, except without even the promise of sex. If you wish to have an ongoing relationship with a prostitute, that’s fine, but see it for what it is and don’t delude yourself in that you are anything more than a client.

Now, doing the occasional favor for your Thai girlfriend, buying her the occasional gift and paying for your meals together is not unexpected or out of the ordinary, especially if you make much more than she does. This is where the differences lie: A quality girlfriend will try not to burden you with her problems and will attempt to live a self-sufficient life like any other reasonable person.

At the very least, her sexual conduct concerning others will not be based on the condition of your ability to pay up! She will actually be interested in impressing you and will see you as more than a walking wallet.

3) Don’t look for girlfriends in all the wrong places

Thai Bar ScamSearching for a long-term girlfriend? Want a woman that could possible become your wife? What the heck are you doing searching for her in a hostess bar, then? Yes, these professional girls can be attractive and alluring, and part of their charm is how forward they are and how much they fight to get your attention—but they are only that way because they are paid to be that way!

Plenty of men have fallen for the fantasy that a cute bar girl has genuinely developed feelings for them and only them, but more often than not, these women are simply master manipulators. They exploit men for a living, so they have trained themselves to see little more than dollar signs when they see you; do not fall for their illusion.

Whether you are meeting girls online using a convenient dating site, or you’ve bit the bullet and are touring Thailand in person, be extremely wary of the girls who admit to working as “entertainment” in bars or clubs. You are better off concentrating your efforts elsewhere.

There are many aspects to these kinds of romance scams, as they can be very complex. However, if you keep these three general tips in mind, it will help you avoid most of the troublesome ladies. More importantly, remember to go with your gut: If something seems strange about her, or she seems like she’s hiding something or making unreasonable requests too early in the relationship, steer clear.

If you’re looking to meet some verified Thai girls who are honestly looking to start a real, long-lasting relationship, check out

8 Reasons Why You Should Date A Thai Woman

posted in: Asian Women | 0

Sexy Thai Lady in Front of a MirrorAh, Thailand: A place of spiritual enlightenment filled with beautiful Buddhist temples and lines of monks filing down the street every morning—and also a place of bars, strip clubs, and general debauchery. Many a young man has been seduced by this world of extremes, and found himself both in a state of growth and of overwhelm. Many young men have also found themselves in love; in a foreign land where the women seem to be so genuinely kind and cheerful, especially compared to Western women, it is easy to fall head over heels.

You may know of men who have a taste for Thai women. Indeed, lots of tourist activity from Western nations revolves around the very fact that so many foreign men find the women in Thailand to be pleasing. Why is this though? Let’s take a look at some of the core reasons why men are visiting Thailand in droves in order to find wives or girlfriend (or, for some of the less discriminating types, a paid date):

1) Thai women are generally positive.

Obviously, this varies, but one of the first things that makes a huge impression on people when they visit the Land of Smiles is, well…the smiles! In Western cultures, the unfortunate trend of late has been a tendency for cynicism, sarcasm, and complaining. Even most of our comedy and humor falls along these lines. In Thai culture, it is seen as somewhat unseemly to unload your problems onto other people or to subject other people to your anger by losing your temper. Getting negative or emotional is a quick way to lose face, and so generally you will find that Thai women try to bring up positive things in conversation and they won’t spend all of your time together venting about their problems.

2) They show that they care about you.

While Western women tend to be a bit more reserved about doing favors for men or giving them gifts (because there’s a common cultural belief that the men should be doing this for the women), Thai women understand the value of a good man, so you may find that they are extremely accommodating and willing to help you. For example, if you don’t know how to get to a certain place, you may be shocked to find that a Thai woman you’re dating might go out of her way not only to give you directions, but to come along with you.

3) They are less entitled.

Because Thai girls general don’t grow up with all the conveniences that Western women grow up with, they have less of a sense of entitlement and less of an expectation that the world is going to take care of them. If you would like a woman that isn’t living in this bubble of detrimental comfort, you might consider dating a Thai lady, especially one from a small town.

4) They actually want to make you happy.

Thai Woman in a BikiniWhile of course it depends on the individual, in general Thai women place more of an emphasis on keeping their men happy than Western women do. For example, if your sex drive is higher than that of your Western girlfriend, she may be shocked if you imply that she should endeavor to have sex with you more often anyway; by contrast, Thai women are generally glad to please their men, often worrying that if they don’t keep their boyfriends content, they may run around with other women.

5) They are less superficial.

So, maybe you don’t have six pack abs and biceps that are bursting out of your shirt, nor are you a billionaire who drives a Ferrari to get to his mailbox. However, you would think that you’d need to be all these things to get a girlfriend if you went by the entitled attitude of some Western women, who can be petty, superficial, and unrealistic about what they seek from a mate. Thai women are often more mature in this regard, and they see a man for his long-term potential and character. They know that looks and youth fade over time, and they’re more willing to date older, more established men if the man is stable and honest.

6) They are tactful.

One way that you can tell how a person will treat you over the long-term, even after the initial tingles have worn off, is how they treat others. In Thai society, kindness is an important social trait as they are a Buddhist culture and they believe in Karma. Though of course this has its disadvantages (like less clarity), Thai women are generally very careful with the way they treat the feelings of others and they will almost never behave in a rude way. They are taught to not be confrontational or abrasive, which can be very refreshing if you’ve spent time dating Western women.

7) They are more submissive.

With Western women, there is often this hidden agenda beneath the surface, where every move you make is secretly being used to fuel a power struggle between you and your girlfriend. Have you ever felt that? Have you ever had a Western woman refuse to comply with a suggestion of yours for no logical reason, or for the mere purposes of childishly proving that you “can’t tell [her] what to do?” Have you ever had a Western woman accuse you of chauvinism simply because you didn’t agree with her?

You can forget all of that drama if you date a Thai woman; they are usually much more submissive than Western women and they don’t find it insulting to follow your lead. If you prefer to give your woman more of the control, that’s completely up to you of course, but if you’re the kind of guy who is into the more “traditional” roles of men and women, you would probably have better luck with a Thai girl than with a Western woman.

8) They are beautiful.

Of course, the Thai look isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’re into petite girls who generally know how to keep their waistlines in control, then a Thai lady might be exactly what you want. Thai women also tend to age very well, so they will keep their looks longer if you do plan to bite the bullet and get married someday.

As with women of any culture, Thai women aren’t going to be perfect, but if you find the traits mentioned above to be appealing, you might be able to find true love in the Land of Smiles—and there are plenty of eligible women there who are ready and willing for the right foreign man to come along.

==> Discover Where To Meet Real Thai Women Online! <==

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