How to Meet Women in China – The 3 Best Ways

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Meet Women in ChinaMeeting women in general can be tough, but it can be especially difficult when there’s a language barrier and cultural barrier that keeps you from being able to access a vast social circle. Still, meeting and dating Chinese women is more than worth the effort, since they can be extremely kind and loyal companions compared to some of their Western counterparts.

That’s not to say that there’s necessarily anything wrong with Western women, it’s just that you’ll probably have a better chance of finding a long-lasting relationship if you choose to date a Chinese woman. Yes, it might be harder to find a casual hook-up in China than in the Western world where women are very “liberated” sexually, but it sort of comes with the territory; Chinese culture is still very conservative and women especially like to focus on finding a stable husband to create a stable life for themselves.

One huge concern of course, is this: If you have no social contacts in China, how are you going to be able to find a woman in the first place? Like most women, Chinese ladies prefer to be introduced by someone who has already been vetted by their friends or acquaintances. Luckily, you can bypass some of this complication in a few different ways. Let’s take a look at some different ways to meet women in China:

Day Game

Chinese Girl Taking The SubwayOne way to meet women in China is to employ some modified versions of your “day game” techniques. They have to be modified because of course you’re dealing with a different culture. One way you could do this—if you have the courage—is by simply cold approaching girls who are meandering around in parks or on the street. The malls are also not bad places to find girls to meet, but of course all of this cold approaching takes some guts and an ability to deal with the occasional (or frequent) rejection.

It helps to know some Chinese as well, but it’s not totally necessary. Just remember to tone down the aggressiveness compared to how you approach Western girls. You also want to come off as more polite, since this is not seen as a possible weakness the way it is sometimes in the West, and in fact will win you some points.

Another, probably better way to find girls during the day is to employ a little help from technology. Like any other modern culture, Chinese people love their social networking apps, and one of the most popular of these is WeChat.

Not only does it allow you to add friends and do the usual things you would expect, but you can make new friends through its geo-location capabilities. Just set up your profile, set the app to find girls near you, and you’re in business. Of course, after that you will have to go through the usual messaging process and setting up an in-person meeting. It’s advisable to meet in person as soon as possible; drop any girls who seem to just be interested in chatting a lot and keep making excuses about meeting in person, as these are certainly time-wasters. After all, you didn’t go to China to find a pen pal, did you?

Night Game

Shanghai Skyline NightAs you would expect, there are also bars and nightclubs in major Chinese cities. Your best bet in this regard is probably going to be Shanghai. This is a large city with a thriving nightlife that is generally friendly to foreigners, and it’s also full of the most single women of just about any city. Also, if you’re looking for a casual relationship or even just a one-night stand, a club or a bar is the place to find it. It’s not too different from Western culture in this regard; the girls who are just looking for adventure go to these kinds of places, and the girls who are looking for serious relationships tend to avoid them.

The only problem here is that most of the bars worth visiting will be kind of expensive, especially if you’re looking for women who are single, independent, and simply wanting to spend time with a man for the evening. Another thing to look out for is that many clubs in these major cities are full of foreign girls as well. If that doesn’t bother you, then go ahead.

Online Dating

If you simply want to use an online match-maker to find a Chinese girl to date, then you can do this also. One of the advantages here is that you don’t have to walk around town, sifting through every girl that you find interesting and getting rejected or possibly angering her boyfriend if she’s not single. Jessica Profile PicturesIn theory, every girl you meet on a dating site should be available and looking for romance, so all of this will be less of an issue. Of course, one disadvantage is that you’ll have to deal with flakes who are playing games and you’ll also be competing with a million other guys. All in all, though, since dating is a numbers game, you’re sometimes better off using a dating site since it will give you access to more women than you would ever be able to meet in person. In addition, if you choose a dating site that specifically caters to foreigners who want to meet Chinese women, then you know that your prospects are already interested in foreign men.

If you are currently in China, then push to meet the girl as soon as you can. Give her your phone number, start texting as soon as possible, and make plans to meet. The longer you wait, the more likely she is going to lose interest. Even if she seems shy at first, she is really only interested in a flesh-and-blood man, not text on a screen, so you’re going to want to have her see you that way as immediately as possible.

Ultimately, there are many ways to meet women in China, but these are probably your three best options if you’re new to the country (or are just visiting) and have no social network yet. Of course, finding a woman through your social network, or even by visiting a match-maker if it’s a wife that you want, is ideal, but sometimes you won’t have that luxury when you’re first getting to know China.